
2021年12月17日– バイオジェン・インク(Nasdaq: BIIB、本社:米国マサチューセッツ州ケンブリッジ、CEO:ミシェル・ヴォナッソス、以下 バイオジェン)とエーザイ株式会社(本社:東京都、代表執行役CEO:内藤晴夫、以下 エーザイ)は、このたび、欧州医薬品庁(EMA)の欧州医薬品委員会(Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use: CHMP)がアルツハイマー病(AD)による軽度認知障害および軽度ADとして知られる早期段階のADの治療薬候補であるアデュカヌマブの販売承認申請(MAA)について、否定的見解を採択したことをお知らせします。本見解は、2021年11月のCHMPによる否定的なTrend Voteを受けたものです。バイオジェンは、今回のCHMPによる見解に対して再審議の請求を行う予定です。


 バイオジェンのHead of Global Safety & Regulatory Sciences and interim Head of Research & DevelopmentであるPriya Singhal M.D., M.P.H.は、「欧州におけるAD当事者の方々にとって、その早期段階における治療選択肢がないことは切実な問題です。時間が経つほど、より多くの当事者様の病状は進行し、治療の機会を逃す可能性が高くなります。バイオジェンは、この薬剤をEUの当事者様にお届けすることをめざし、再審議プロセスにおいて、今回のCHMPによる見解の根拠に対処するように努めます。欧州の当事者の方々にも、ADの革新的な治療法をお届けすべきと考えています」と述べています。


 欧州委員会の規則では、申請者はCHMPの見解に対する再審議を請求することが認められており、詳細な請求根拠を説明する文書を提出します。1 CHMPは、再審議の請求の根拠資料を受領してから60日以内に、その見解を再検討します。2




 2021年6月、米国食品医薬品局(FDA)は、脳内アミロイドβプラークを減少させることにより、疾患の根本病理に作用する最初のAD治療薬として、ADUHELM®(aducanumab-avwa)注射100 mg/mL溶液を迅速承認しました。ADUHELMはアラブ首長国連邦(UAE)でも承認されています。


1      EC guideline: REGULATION (EC) No 726/2004 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of 31 March 2004


2    European Medicines Agency, Procedural Advice on the Re-Examination of CHMP Opinions, 2009. https://www.ema.europa.eu/en/documents/regulatory-procedural-guideline/procedural-advice-re-examination-chmp-opinions_en.pdf


ADUHELM® (一般名:アデュカヌマブ)注射100 mg/mL溶液について














 2020年、バイオジェンは、気候、健康、公平さが深く相互に関連する課題に対して、20年間に2億5000万ドルを投資する大規模な取組みを開始しました。Healthy Climate, Healthy Lives ™は、ビジネス全体で化石燃料の使用をゼロにし、著名な研究機関とのコラボレーションを構築して科学研究を進展させ、人類の健康を改善し、発展途上のコミュニティをサポートすることを目的としています。

 バイオジェンは生物製剤の高い技術力を活かし、高品質のバイオシミラーの製品化にも注力しています。バイオジェンに関する情報については、www.biogen.com/ およびSNS媒体Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTubeをご覧ください。






Biogen Safe Harbor 

This news release contains forward-looking statements, including statements made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995, the potential clinical effects of ADUHELM; the potential benefits, safety and efficacy of ADUHELM; Biogen’s strategy and plans; potential of, and expectations for, Biogen’s commercial business and pipeline programs, including ADUHELM; planning and timing for the commercial launch of, and access to, ADUHELM; anticipated manufacturing, distribution, and supply of ADUHELM; the treatment of Alzheimer’s disease; the anticipated benefits and potential of Biogen’s collaboration arrangements with Eisai; the potential of Biogen’s commercial business and pipeline programs, including ADUHELM; and risks and uncertainties associated with drug development and commercialization. These statements may be identified by words such as “aim,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “could,” “estimate,” “expect,” “forecast,” “intend,” “may,” “plan,” “possible,” “potential,” “will,” “would” and other words and terms of similar meaning. Drug development and commercialization involve a high degree of risk, and only a small number of research and development programs result in commercialization of a product. Results in early stage clinical trials may not be indicative of full results or results from later stage or larger scale clinical trials and do not ensure regulatory approval. You should not place undue reliance on these statements or the scientific data presented.


These statements involve risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those reflected in such statements, including, without limitation, uncertainty of success in the development and commercialization of ADUHELM; risks relating to the launch of ADUHELM, including preparedness of healthcare providers to treat patients, the ability to obtain and maintain adequate reimbursement for ADUHELM, and other unexpected difficulties or hurdles; unexpected concerns that may arise from additional data or analysis obtained during clinical trials; the occurrence of adverse safety events, restrictions on use, or product liability claims; regulatory authorities may require additional information or further studies, or may fail or refuse to approve or may delay approval of Biogen’s drug candidates, including ADUHELM; risks of unexpected costs or delays; the risk of other unexpected hurdles; risks relating to investment in our manufacturing capacity; problems with our manufacturing processes; failure to protect and enforce our data, intellectual property, and other proprietary rights and uncertainties relating to intellectual property claims and challenges; third party collaboration risks; risks associated with current and potential future healthcare reforms; risks relating to the distribution and sale by third parties of counterfeit or unfit versions of our products; and the direct and indirect impacts of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic on our business, results of operations and financial condition. The foregoing sets forth many, but not all, of the factors that could cause actual results to differ from Biogen’s expectations in any forward-looking statement. Investors should consider this cautionary statement as well as the risk factors identified in Biogen’s most recent annual or quarterly report and in other reports Biogen has filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. These statements are based on Biogen’s current beliefs and expectations and speak only as of the date of this news release. Biogen does not undertake any obligation to publicly update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise.